Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First post! YAY!!!

Yes, my blog is called "This is annoying...?" because a) I feel like it b) I get annoyed by the randomest things c) I was seriously uninspired at that exact moment. (Randomest is NOT a word. I just looked that up, hah!) So as you have probably noticed, I like to make lists in the a) b) c).... form, movies, and using parentheses. And I hate when zippers break, when I make a spelling error, and the stress I tend to get from Rubik's Cubes. I am afraid of horror movies (except for Tim Burton's stuff, that's cool), milk (have you seen where it comes from?!), and well, a lot of other things. (Believe me, if I were to complete this list, this post would take up the whole blog!!!) And, this is seriously random, but what the heck is a Google Meme???????????? No one knows.... The thought of mysterious Google Memes has come upon me.... NOW IT'S ON YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahah!!!!!! Please comment and other stuff.

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