Saturday, April 25, 2009

What a great birthday!

So, as you know, it was my birthday on thursday. And it was the greatest day ever. I got presents from virtually everyone I know, and not to mention tons of cupcakes and brownies from my friend Astrid. From my parents I got clothes, concert tickets (I'm seeing New Kids on the Block), and a perm. Yes, I said perm. And it looks really good, by the way. My hair does look shorter, though.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


So, in science class, we always have a few minutes to hang out before class starts. And some of my friends do the Hoedown Throwdown. And this girl comes in and practically yells: "HOW COME EVERY TIME I COME INTO THIS CLASSROOM, THRE'S ALWAYS DANCING?!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Goodness, anger issues much? And we all wonder why she's in therapy. In response to this my friend looks at her with the most cold glance I've ever seen her give someone. I tried to top that, but it didn't go as well as I planned. And then the angry girl starts laughing at my funny face... Again, why do we wonder?

It's my birth day on thursday!

Yes, it is. I can't wait. I write in short sentences.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Guess what? At recess I heard the same bird! Everyone thought I was crazy, screaming at the sky, but it was SO ANNOYING. And aylarox, if Selena Gomez wants to meet you, I think that bird wants to meet me. I DON'T WANNA MEET THE BIRD!!!

I Smell the Smelly Smell of Something That Smells Smell

That something is Spring Break! Tomorrow is the last day if school before vacation starts, and aside from all the test I have to take, I can tell it's gonna be MAYHEM!!! Yes, I said MAYHEM!!! Everyone will be so excited to get away, that virtually no one will focus, math class will be a nightmare, and everyone will goof off. DO YOU SEE WHAT I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT?

Anyway, I'm excited for break too.