Friday, February 27, 2009


Ahh! I officially hate the bird that is outside. It sounds like a crow with a sore throat. (This is what it sounds like: CRAOOAOOOOAAACKKKKKKKK!!!!) Yep, it does, but after it does this, it coughs. Interesting?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hm. Haven't posted in awhile...

So what? I haven't posted anything in a week, but that's not important because I LIKE CHEESE!!!! Wow, really random. (THE RANDOMEST!!!) Why am I spazzing inside of my head? (Yeah, dude, WHY?!) GAH! Stop it you little parentheses voice, you! (*runs away*) Ahh. Now that HE'S gone, I can finally have peace. I must say, the ring on my right hand is making some sort of blue ring around where it is. It's definitely not cutting off my blood stream, because, erm, hello? I'm typing! It could just be irritation. And don't tell me to take it off, because I love this ring. Moisturizer seems to help, though.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Guitar Hero, "Confessions of a Shopaholic", and a (still) Unfinished Scarf!!!

So, my brother and I got the Aerosmith version of Guitar Hero for Christmas, and we are highly addicted to it! (He's a bit more obsessed than me, of course, but it's still really fun.) And seriously, all you do is press buttons on a lame plastic guitar, it's amazing what those video game people can create these days. In fact, I'm listening to my little brother play it now. Anyways, I just saw (yet another) amazing movie, starring Isla Fisher, called "Confessions of a Shopaholic". It's about a journalist who is (obviously) addicted to shopping who eventually finds herself in a large amount of debt. The lead role, Rebecca Bloomberg, was played by Isla Fisher, who is probably the next Amy Adams!!!! Ugh, enough talk. THE SCARF ISN'T FINISHED!!! Annoyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

How spectacular!

You'll never guess what I just ate. POTATO SKIN FLAVORED PIZZA!!!! It was SOOO good. It had bacon, cheese, green onions, and sliced potatoes instead of tomato sauce, and it came with sour cream!! It was delicious. I wish I had taken a picture of it now, so I could re-live the goodness by eating the photo. However, eating the photo would be more gross than the insane amount of calories in that pizza that I just inhaled. And, I'm really hyper because I just drank two glasses of pomegranate juice, and I'm working on my third. Did I mention that I'm on break right now??? Well, I am, that's why I have so much time to post on here every day. When school starts back up again, though, posts on here will become less and less regular. To change the subject, I really want to see "Confessions of a Shopaholic" tonight, or at least before school starts. But I do feel a bit guilty about seeing it before I've read the book, but you can do that, right? I hope so. One final question: Do you know any songs/artists that would be good for modern/lyrical dance? You can reply by commenting!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Coraline, Braces, and Cold Hands!!!

Okay, so (obviously) I'm totally obsessed with the movie "Coraline", and if you haven't seen it it's totally amazing, so stop reading this, and go out and see it!! Don't worry, the post will still be here when you get back, believe me. And, and, and, and, and, and!!!!!!! I got my braces off! (Awhile ago, actually, but anyways, I thought I'd spread the word. XD) And my hands are insanely cold right now..... Which is annoying because it's a) a beautiful day b) I've been knitting and typing all day, so my hands should be pretty warm c) our heat is on full blast.... So, I think I have an issue.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First post! YAY!!!

Yes, my blog is called "This is annoying...?" because a) I feel like it b) I get annoyed by the randomest things c) I was seriously uninspired at that exact moment. (Randomest is NOT a word. I just looked that up, hah!) So as you have probably noticed, I like to make lists in the a) b) c).... form, movies, and using parentheses. And I hate when zippers break, when I make a spelling error, and the stress I tend to get from Rubik's Cubes. I am afraid of horror movies (except for Tim Burton's stuff, that's cool), milk (have you seen where it comes from?!), and well, a lot of other things. (Believe me, if I were to complete this list, this post would take up the whole blog!!!) And, this is seriously random, but what the heck is a Google Meme???????????? No one knows.... The thought of mysterious Google Memes has come upon me.... NOW IT'S ON YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahah!!!!!! Please comment and other stuff.